Super friends black manta
Super friends black manta

  1. Super friends black manta how to#
  2. Super friends black manta series#

He abandons his vendetta against Aquaman for unclear reasons, becoming involved in drug smuggling in Star City instead. He is transformed into a human-manta ray hybrid, which he covers with a new suit. Manta is approached by Neron, and agrees to sell his soul for power. Aquaman hunts down and defeats Black Manta, nearly killing him, but decides to spare his life, turning him over to the authorities instead. They do so, but Aquababy dies regardless. Later, he places Aquababy in a chamber where he will slowly suffocate to death unless Aquaman and Aqualad fight to the death. In return he receives information about the City of Lost Tribes, which he easily conquers. Following the kidnapping of Mera and Aquababy, he fights and defeats Aquaman, turning him over to King Karshon. At the same time Aqualad and Aquagirl begin to work to dismantle some of his criminal operations.

Super friends black manta series#

Manta begins to engage in an escalating series of attacks on Aquaman and Atlantis. The New 52 introduced his current origin and powers. During this age he was briefly mutated into a man-sized manta, and later became capable of breathing underwater. He killed the doctor who administered it to him and escaped, ultimately becoming the Black Manta as he believed it was his destiny to supplant Aquaman and rule the ocean. He was also the subject of several medical experiments, one of which seemed to have had an effect on his autism but left him violent.

Super friends black manta how to#

Often he was physically restrained and tied down to his bed by the staff, who didn’t understand how to deal with him. He was extremely sensitive to touch, particularly the feel of sheets, but loved being in very cold water, and became fascinated by Aquaman. In his second origin, Manta was an orphan who was sent to Arkham Asylum due to his autism. Having grown to loathe the sea and Aquaman, the young Manta swore to become its master. He was finally able to escape after killing one of his captors. One day while on the ship he attempted to signal for help from Aquaman, who failed to see him. During his imprisonment he was also physically and sexually abused by his captors. In the first origin introduced, the boy who would become Black Manta was kidnapped from his Baltimore home as a child and forced to work on a ship against his will. The Modern Age introduced two successive origins for Black Manta. In his initial appearances absolutely nothing was known about Black Manta or his origins. He made his first appearance in Aquaman #35.

super friends black manta

Creationīlack Manta was created by Nick Cardy and Bob Haney in 1967. Manta abandoned his career as a treasure hunter to seek his revenge against Aquaman. He killed Manta’s father, believing him to be Manta himself. Enraged, Curry tracked him down and snuck onto his boat in the middle of the night. Curry was defended by his father, Thomas Curry, and in the ensuing fight Curry’s father died of a heart attack. He was hired by Stephen Shin to collect the blood of Arthur Curry in an effort to prove that he was actually an Atlantean. Black Manta was a mercenary and treasure hunter who worked alongside his father.

Super friends black manta